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Cannabis Iluminado

Profesor de cannabis de San Diego, el Dr. Leroy Brady comparte información esclarecedora y educativa sobre el tema. Patrocinado por March y Ash.

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An Enlightened Future: Self-Care, Wellness, and Advocacy
March 5, 2025

An Enlightened Future: Self-Care, Wellness, and Advocacy

In this episode of Cannabis Enlightened, Dr. Leroy sits down with Onyeka Tefari and Ariana Salazar, two powerhouse women redefining holistic wellness. With deep roots in self-care, healing, and advocacy, they share fresh insights on plant medicine’s role beyond just a high—focusing on health, mindfulness, and community. Tune in for an enlightening conversation on natural healing and the future of wellness.

How a California Cannabis Retailer and Female Prisoners in Mexico Found a Common Thread
July 22, 2024

How a California Cannabis Retailer and Female Prisoners in Mexico Found a Common Thread

March and Ash stores might be known in Southern California for feeling more like Nordstroms than a smoke shop. But as the only retailer that has partnered with the YMCA to provide childcare for workers, employs its delivery drivers with unionized wages and benefits, and with its unmatched commitment to bring a storied industry above-board.

Cannabis Private Equity Group: A Journey to Inclusion - Derek Craft
June 18, 2024

Cannabis Private Equity Group: A Journey to Inclusion - Derek Craft

Derek’s approach underscores the importance of forging authentic connections and leveraging personal experiences to cultivate a genuine brand identity. He emphasizes the virtues of patience, unwavering commitment, and boundless energy required to navigate the complexities of entrepreneurship in the cannabis sector.

Cannabis Enlightened EXTRA: Juneteenth 2024
June 18, 2024

Cannabis Enlightened EXTRA: Juneteenth 2024

In this Cannabis Enlightened Extra, we delve into why Juneteenth matters so profoundly to me and to all of us who believe in equity. Voting isn't just a right; it's a powerful tool to dismantle systemic injustices and pave the way for a more equitable future. This audio essay isn't just about history; it's about our present and our future. It's a call to action to engage, advocate, and empower ourselves and others to make a difference.

Four Twenty: Behind the Smoke - Kayla Bass and Tonya Aanenson
April 15, 2024

Four Twenty: Behind the Smoke - Kayla Bass and Tonya Aanenson

Meet Kayla Bass and Tonya Aanenson, the dynamic duo from March and Ash who are all about creating epic experiences in the cannabis world. Kayla, March and Ash's Marketing Manager, is the real deal with nearly five years of cannabis industry experience under her belt. She's been there, done that, and knows the ins and outs of making events pop. And Tonya? Well, she's got some unique insights that'll make your head spin (in a good way, of course).

From Activism to Leadership: Guy Rocourt's Cannabis Evolution
February 26, 2024

From Activism to Leadership: Guy Rocourt's Cannabis Evolution

At the core of Guy's mission is a commitment to crafting high-quality products that not only meet the needs of consumers but also elevate the industry's standards. His role as a thought leader in the cannabis wellness community has solidified his reputation as a trusted figure, offering valuable insights and guidance to those navigating the evolving landscape of cannabis therapy.

Desbloqueando el máximo máximo: una guía para usar de manera segura y efectiva diferentes formas de cannabis para efectos personalizados
August 8, 2023

Desbloqueando el máximo máximo: una guía para usar de manera segura y efectiva diferentes formas de cannabis para efectos personalizados

Repárense para una mirada convincente al mundo del cannabis con nada menos que Ruben Villasenor. En esta entrada de blog, aprenderás los entresismos del uso efectivo de diferentes formas de cannabis en función de tus efectos deseados. Rubén, una reconocida autoridad en el campo, compartirá su sabiduría obtenida de su viaje como dueño de una empresa de CBD y trabajando en un dispensario.

Salones de cannabis para fomentar estilos de vida y comunidades saludables
July 6, 2023

Salones de cannabis para fomentar estilos de vida y comunidades saludables

En un nuevo episodio de Cannabis Enlightened, el Dr. Leroy tiene una invitada muy especial, la Dra. Amanda Reiman Ph.D., fundadora de Personal Plants, una plataforma diseñada para ayudar a las personas a desarrollar relaciones saludables y equilibradas con plantas psicoactivas.

Construyendo el liderazgo negro en la industria del cannabis
June 8, 2023

Construyendo el liderazgo negro en la industria del cannabis

Diane Castañeda

El Dr. Leroy celebra 420 con dos destacados expertos en el campo del Cannabis y la Equidad Social. La directora ejecutiva y fundadora Danicka Brown-Frazier y el estratega de marca Olamiji (Oh-la-Me-gee) Pearse de Greenish Brands se unen a Cannabis Enlightened.

El creciente negocio del cannabis
May 4, 2023

El creciente negocio del cannabis

Diane Castaneda

En este episodio de podcast, el Dr. Leroy entabla una conversación que invita a la reflexión con Kayla Sánchez de Guided Green Solutions y Kara Knittel sobre el cultivo y educación del negocio del cannabis.

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