July 22, 2024

How a California Cannabis Retailer and Female Prisoners in Mexico Found a Common Thread

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It is important that as a society, we try to give a second chance to those who do want that second chance. - Araceli Moreno

March and Ash stores might be known in Southern California for feeling more like Nordstroms than a smoke shop. But as the only retailer that has partnered with the YMCA to provide childcare for workers, employs its delivery drivers with unionized wages and benefits, and with its unmatched commitment to bring a storied industry above-board.

So it may not be a surprise why Dr. Leroy hit it off with Roberto and Araceli Moreno of Mexico’s Red Thread Project, who have been instrumental in providing incarcerated female prisoners in Mexico with sewing skills and entrepreneurial opportunities. 

The Red Thread Project began in recognition of the social and familial devastation that incarceration can take on women, their families, and their community. They also recognize that many of these female prisoners have ended up in their circumstances as collateral damage from a larger drug war that is beyond their control.

Through a unique collaboration between March and Ash and the Red Thread Project, the partners have produced 200 limited edition March and Ash hats.

The special hats are available until the 200 hats run out, in-store-only, at select March and Ash stores. All the proceeds go to support Mexico’s Red Thread Project, and the hundreds of female prisoners who are supported with trade skills, financial support, and the prospect for a better future for themselves, their families, and their communities -- when they re-enter Mexican society. 

Listen and learn more with Dr. Leroy, Roberto, and Araceli on this unique episode of Cannabis Enlightened from Olas Media

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