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Narcissist Abuse Recovery Channel

The Narcissist Abuse Recovery Channel is a transformative and supportive Podcast, dedicated to helping those who are, or have been, abused by narcissists to heal from the ravages of narcissistic abuse. Our show is a lifeline for those who are looking for next steps in their emotional and psychological healing, offering expert guidance and practical solutions for those who are in narcissistic relationships or are rebuilding their lives after narcissistic abuse. The hosts are Attorney Padideh Jafari and John McKenney who have helped hundreds of people in their narcissistic abuse recovery and know the journey personally in their own lives.

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Recovering from Narcissistic Abuse: The Mind and Body Connection
August 7, 2024

Recovering from Narcissistic Abuse: The Mind and Body Connection

If you're feeling emotionally drained and physically exhausted from the aftermath of narcissistic abuse, then you are not alone! Imagine being stuck in a cycle of confusion, unable to see a way out, and feeling like your life is constantly clouded by chaos. The pain and trauma from this experience might be overwhelming, but what if there's a way to break free from this cycle and regain control over your mind and body?

The Anatomy of a Narcissist: From Grandiose Ego to Crippling Insecurity
August 5, 2024

The Anatomy of a Narcissist: From Grandiose Ego to Crippling Insecurity

Have you ever heard the myths about narcissism? Like how they're all the same and can't change? Or how about the belief that all narcissists are just self-centered and arrogant? Maybe you've come across the myth that all narcissists are sociopaths or psychopaths. The truth is, there are so many misconceptions about narcissism, and understanding the reality can be a game-changer. But we'll share the truth with you in a way that will leave you enlightened and empowered.

Pilot Episode - Jon & Padideh
August 1, 2024

Pilot Episode - Jon & Padideh

Do you want to embrace holistic healing and rebuild a fulfilling life after narcissistic abuse? Join us as we share practical solutions to help you achieve that result and move beyond the pain and trauma. Let's journey together towards a life of peace, love, and purpose.

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