January 6, 2023

Introducing La Jolla Comedy Store’s Lou Brockman

Written by Diane Castañeda

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“My most amazing story is, I got to meet Robin Williams. He came in 2005, he was the nicest gentleman!”
Lou Brockman
Walter Ford

Walter interviews musician Lou Brockman. The talented (and funny!) one-man band, is best known for his piano improvisations at the La Jolla Comedy Store. Despite the Comedy Store’s legendary wall of signatures reserved for only comedians, Lou holds the honor of being the only non-comedian to sign the wall.

Walter and Lou share stories about partying in the mansions of the Hollywood Hills and bumping elbows with Hollywood comedy legends like Robin Williams, Jim Carrey, and Arsenio Hall.

“My most amazing story is, I got to meet Robin Williams. He came in 2005, he was the nicest gentleman!” - Lou recalls.

Lou shares his one of a kind stories like his unconventional wedding to America’s Got Talent comedian Vicky Barbolak, how he got started in the entertainment industry, his mindset that made him a master of his craft and tales of hanging out with the stars over the decades as a performing pianist in Hollywood.

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